Xyncro Tech

Xyncro Tech is the open source part of Xyncro. It’s the home of various projects (see left) that started life as part of Xyncro projects and were then open sourced. They’re now useful projects in their own right, with some fantastic collaborators.

We also work on various projects that have their own homes, chiefly Freya and related libraries.

See each of the projects for more on what they are and do, as well as how to get them and use them.


We’ve been lucky to have received fantastic contributions to these projects, but more are always welcome! We are always delighted by any contributions to projects, whether it’s code, bug reports, documentation or simply suggestions.


For updates on each of the individual projects see the Updates sections, and follow xyncro/tech.


Open source thrives when people contribute back, and we’ve been very fortunate to have some excellent contributions from people in the community. Many, many thanks to them.